“Spend time with people that are good for your mental health…”
I think if I would have stumbled across this quote ten years back, it may not have resonated as much as it does today. Especially in my teens and early adult years I never considered what “people” had to do with my state of mind! Being more aware of how people make us feel, is often not a consideration. We work, we are in social circles, we may lead some groups, and for the most part we keep the pace and enjoy the day to day …
Hopefully at some point, a light bulb goes off and we realize more how people make us feel. We can begin to question why we are involved in particular groups, coffee dates or with people that love to ridicule or make you feel a bit irrelevant.
In reality condescending and rude people will always be a part of life. We must learn to cope in a healthy way with this behavior in the office, or beyond IF we must be around these people. We also must teach our children how to deal with unhealthy friends, acquaintances and coworkers. Avoidance is a healthy option. Toxic people are everywhere. If we must be in settings with them AWARENESS is key.
Being kind but not “making time for extra engagement” is a start.
Learning how to ignore and not retaliate can help.
Choosing to find people that encourage and support you nearby is vital.
Knowing who you are, and not letting people sway your opinion or self worth.
Choosing not to be around them except when required is key.
If you are feeling a bit slighted and not centered, please remember you do HAVE CHOICES! All ages/stages will have tough situations with people, but learning to ignore and feel helpless is not a goal. Pay attention. Do you need to be in this group? Can you say NO to more coffee and lunch dates that make you feel bad? Try to own your power for health and peace of mind! CHOOSE not to be “in the situation” to begin with.
As we all know, life goes pretty quick. The sooner we realize who the encouragers, supporters, unconditionals are in our path, we should no longer feel obligated to exchange time for people that hurt us.
As we close out 2019, lets pay more attention to all angles of our health and wellbeing. Let’s consider who is building and who is breaking our stride...Then be deliberate and determined to find more space for those that HELP your mental health and state of mind. You are lovely. You are smart. You are worthy. You decide who makes you feel that way, and who doesn’t. Then plan your new calendar accordingly.
#livecentered ~