Another 365 day journey coaching a •live centered• way of life ...As I look back, I’m reminded how much PEOPLE affect our health, wellness and state of mind!! Are you spending the majority of your time with people adding or taking from your state of wellbeing !!?
We can do many things well, but IF we don’t find supportive, encouraging, kind people, we still may NOT feel good or live healthy!!
When I took this leap to start a training business 5 years ago, I didn’t really know who would encourage me, or possibly laugh at me for taking such a leap!! ✨ (Btw, I do know now 😉) What I did know, is that I LOVED to connect with people and talk about life, goals and why we do what we do! I had a passion for fitness & health since HS, and knew I had survived disordered eating, obsessing about fitness, being overly concerned with the scale & appearance! 😑 NOT good mindset! NOT healthy, NOT well! I just looked the part!! I finally took the road to balance and true health and never had more peace with who I am!! 🙌🏼
SOooo I continue the journey to LIVE CENTERED + CONNECT with people that need a “real life” coach ~ They don’t need shame, or perfection or a “cookie cutter” plan to follow 21 -101 days... only to return to their regular patterns and ways.
They NEED accountability, encouragement and LIFESTYLE changes that LAST!! That’s IT! They help define what MUST change!! We plan for HOW! Coaching is connecting and is NOT one size for all!!
We stay #centered on being THEIR best & healthiest version!! One on one, small group or workshops, I’m SO grateful for all the people behind the “shoe” shots!! All ages and seasons, “real life” people getting stronger & more confident as they work to live balanced & better than yesterday!! 👏🏻
••>ONLY YOU can decide where you want to be... it’s a NEW year, and I can’t wait to connect & continue‼️ Here’s to the best chapter yet ... 2019! •💚•~L.
#grateful #reflecting #monday #lastdayoftheyear #2019 #dontwait #reflect #NYeve #bedetermined #letsgo #makethishappen #wellness #health #peaceofmind #intentionalliving #ourbestlife #noregrets #livecentered