Live Centered way of life …

Six years ago I had a goal to be a trainer and a coach that helped people “LIVE” better... I became a certified personal trainer bc I assumed many would say exercise was their goal... As I spent more time in the gym with my clients, I studied more food/nutrition bc it became obvious people were so confused by what to eat. Paleo/whole 30 keto- meals became “rocket science” to many... It also became obvious that “lifestyle” in general impacted so much of how they felt, what they do, so I studied and became a “wellness” Coach ...and I continue to study wellness and behavior change for all stages and ages! 〰️• Most of my learning actually comes from the 100s of people I’ve been able to work with! Each “shoe shot” represents a person working on a better version of themselves...whether it’s a workout or a workshop to learn new ideas. My signature #centered shoe shot leaves no room for anyone to not like “their picture” bc we all look amazing, fit and healthy in that picture. 🙌🏼😍💯 ••> My passion is people and living better lives...and they teach me while I teach them!! I don’t have all the answers ... I do know the people, the clients, their connections will make you or break you. I’m forever grateful for the amazing souls I’ve worked along side the past 6 years. Wellness, health and lifestyle is such a PERSONAL thing. I’m humbled for those that choose to share their stories and struggles, and allow me to help... #livecentered is a way of life goal. It doesn’t “end” and is NOT one size fits all. I must get to know each person, each struggle, each goal...Life changes, and people’s ideas of wellness changes. 〰️• The people have and WILL ALWAYS be the best part of this self employed journey. I’m closing 2019 with lots of possibilities. I also want to remind you all to NEVER give up on what you dream. I’ve learned if you can hold the CAN make it happen. 〰️•💚•🤍• With gratitude, love & respect always. Lisa

#livecentered #wellness #health #fitness #centered #wayoflife #itsaverb #keepgoing #youcan #believe #achieve #makethingshappen #feelbetter #dobetter #livebetter #youmatter
