Centered on the view ~
Ahh ☀️☀️ Morning circuit view... it’s sad I used to get so focused on the agenda I missed a lot of blue skies. I would think of where to be, what needed done, who I had to meet...
Owning any business requires a lot of YOU, even when it is your passion and you LOVE what you’re doing. 💚 ••Mid year last year I started to change. I still lived with too many obligations, but I started saying NO to some opportunities. I “listened” to my gut over the glory of one more event or venue. I wrecked my car hurrying to a day of obligations. I cried. I paused. I wrote down more of my vision. I said NO I’m “not able to do that” more often…. or NO despite this great opportunity it doesn’t feel like it’s really right for me. I evaluated. 🤔
I was excited and started 2020 with a list of MY priorities & values and how I could teach fitness, wellness & healthy lifestyle AND still KEEP my own values at a healthy pace... New Year = Bennett got SUPER sick 😣 (Scary virus reminding me more about what truly matters...) Then as he got well, I got sick 😷 (did NOT need another slow down...) My cousin the same age as me passed away Unexpectedly 😢 ( OK God, I’m so sad and I see the billboard!! ..,tomorrow is truly NOT gpromised to anybody!!) ... Then covid etc.
SOOOo here I was this morning looking at the sky teaching a circuit at my place. I have amazing clients that I try to share my “real life” with at the lab. ... Fitness is so important, but it’s a piece of what wellness truly is. Wellness and peace of mind is tough! It requires us to pause... be present...evaluate and ask ourselves hard questions about WHAT and WHO truly matter. It really doesn’t happen with weight loss or making tons more money... People think that’s the best solution, but it often means you are just smaller or richer and still feeling miserable …
It’s an ongoing journey to find your best- and it’s surely not a size or a look! (I know so many that look amazing and have no peace! They don’t live #centered a bit. •Live centered• is a verb and when you work on being centered, it should help you sleep better at night and live better during the day!! 🙌🏼
If I’m here to create and teach, I hope what I can continue to share and coach on is the gift of YOUR LIFE and YOUR path. Lifestyle choices ALWAYS rest on your shoulders. That’s right. YOU have the power. No one can do anything but you. A good trainer and teacher is there to share, listen, guide and connect...maybe it’s fitness, maybe food ideas, maybe toxic work/friend changes, or support group connections. It all adds up, and I love all of it! >>
BUT ... it’s taking personal ownership. Me included!! > I’ll teach it all better, IF I’m doing it better myself. I notice and appreciate that sky now. I invite less crazy / stressful obligations. I evaluate what really is important to me and work on a couple of those REALLY important things at a time!! I hope you think about this and work to do the same. This is YOUR life. It’s a gift, and it won’t last forever. Nor will the people you love…
Let me know if you need some coaching or connection. I’ll be doing my paperwork on the porch... Evaluating and enjoying the view today. ☀️
💚 ~• L